S A L V A T I O N.
very foundation of the Holy Scriptures is SALVATION or REDEMPTION of the
KINGDOM of GOD. What is God’s salvation or redemption plan for human beings? We
must never forget that God sent Jesus to this earth (John 3:16-18) for “a light
to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel” (Luke 2:32)
Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman by the well he said: “Ye worship ye know not
what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22-24).
explained God’s salvation or redemption plan when he said: “Christ the
firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming” (1 Corinthians
are “Christ the firstfruits”? They are the 144,000 servants or saints from the
12 tribes of Israel who were killed (Revelation 6:9-10). These saints kept the
commandments of God and the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:12), and they did not
worship the beast, neither his image, and did not receive his mark in their
hands or foreheads (Revelation 20:4).
are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are
they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from
among men, being the [FIRSTFRUITS] unto God and to the Lamb. And in their mouth
was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God”
(Revelation 14:4).
in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15).
God's servants or saints, the firstfruits are [KILLED], we are most assured by
word of God that there is no so called “rapture” to escape death for the rest
of human beings because it is written: “And as it is appointed unto men once to
die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).
we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may
receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it
be good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10).
I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall
sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For
this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on
immortality” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).
explained in detail the events on the DAY OF JUDGMENT in the parable of the
sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31-34, 41-46).
FATHER]; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power” (1
Corinthians 15:24).
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