What did you have for lunch?

If asked among a random selection of people, answers will run the gamut from:

“I had a sandwich”;

“I had fish and chips;

“I had a soup and salad”

“I didn’t have lunch as yet”;

“I had the buffet and tried almost everything”;

And so on.

Before or after we eat let us always remember to give God thanks in Jesus’ name for what we are about to eat or just ate because the word of God says: “When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee” (Deuteronomy 8: 10).

“For all the earth is mine” (Exodus 19:5).

“The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul: but the belly of the wicked shall want” (Proverbs 13:25).

For those of us fortunate to be able to buy food to have at least three main meals every day, let us also remember that there are millions of people, if not a billion or more people, living on this earth in conditions of starvation, and if they were asked: What did you have for lunch? There will be heartfelt answers such as:

“I do not know where to get food”; or “I have not eaten in days”; or “I do not have money to buy lunch” and so on.

“Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble” (Psalm 41:1).

While we may not be able to perform miracles as Jesus did when he took five loaves of bread and two fish to feed five thousand men beside women and children (Matthew 14:19-21), we can take action in our communities to feed the hungry, provide shelter, comfort the sick, visit the imprisoned, and in general provide help to those in need (Matthew 25:35–39).

We will be rewarded for our good works for being a profitable elected servant of God. On the Last Day when Jesus returns to earth, he will say, “Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20).


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